Turn Hit لعبة:

لاعب واحد, مهارات استخدام الفأرة, مطابقة, ثلاثي الأبعاد, يونيتي 3d, ويب جي إل, تفكير, فيزياء | تاريخ الإضافة 09 Feb 2019
الإضافة إلى ألعابك الثلاثة المفضلة.
676 شخص يلعبون
  • Drag to rotate

التحقق البشري

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In the game Turn Hit, you have to grab the 3D shape floating in the middle and rotate it to catch the falling droplets of paint. The droplets are only allowed to hit the white, unpainted surfaces. If you look carefully you can see the shadow of each falling droplet, which shows you where it will land. What makes this game tricky is that in order to turn the shape, you have to touch it, but whenever you touch the shape the droplets will fall faster. They will slow down again the moment you let go. Grab a hold of the shape and spin it around quickly to find the available white surfaces. The arrows will help you locate them. Collect the floating coins, but avoid letting the droplets hit any surface that has already been dyed yellow.

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اضف هذه اللعبة إلى موقعك الإلكتروني

Turn Hit
Turn Hit
العب الآن