Rio Rex لعبة:

أركاد, دم, بحث وتدمير, تحريك جانبي, ديناصور, حساب Y8, ويب جي إل, أعلى نتائج Y8, حفظ Y8, أدرينالين | تاريخ الإضافة 31 Aug 2018
الإضافة إلى ألعابك الثلاثة المفضلة.
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Rio Rex is the rampaging arcade game in which you can run riot controlling a huge T-Rex! Run through the towns and settlements destroying everything in sight and causing havoc amongst the puney humans in your way. This time you are let loose in the beautiful Rio de Janiero but take a look back at the previous cities that have been destroyed at New York and Paris

It is time again to chew people, destroy cities and blow your horrifying fire breathe at everything in sight. Go cause mayhem and destruction because why not! Have fun!

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Rio Rex
Rio Rex
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