Park A Lot لعبة:

لاعب واحد, فلاش, سيارة, ركن السيارات | (1.19 MB) تاريخ الإضافة 31 Dec 2006
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You just got a new job as a valet attendant for a club. The cars are coming in fast, and you have to park each in the space indicated by its owner. When the owner comes back out of the club, he'll tell you which space his car is in, and you have to return it to him. You need to park and return all the cars before time is up to move on in the game. If you crash a car or the line of people waiting to get into the car park gets too long, you lose time, but you gain time each time you return a car. If you get stuck and want to give up on a car, drag the hook over to have it removed from the lot, so you can continue with the level.

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Park A Lot
Park A Lot
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