Dracojan Skies Acolytes - Alpha Version لعبة:

لاعب واحد, فلاش, Shoot 'Em Up, تنين, طيران | (4.51 MB) تاريخ الإضافة 29 Dec 2006
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9,330 شخص يلعبون
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  • Primary Weapon
    Special Weapon
    Secondary Weapon
    Flash light
    Breakdown solid objects

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Fly against your own military forces for a greater good and protect Ethonia's guardians, the Drakojans. Your squad's mission now is to search for answers as to why these innocent being were targeted for attack. Whoever started it must be found.

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Dracojan Skies Acolytes - Alpha Version
Dracojan Skies Acolytes - Alpha Version
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