Cooking Healthy Salad لعبة:

لاعب واحد, فلاش, فتاة, طعام, طهي | (1.03 MB) تاريخ الإضافة 19 Sep 2011
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Learn how to quickly and easily cook very healthy salad in minutes.

Hey kids, ready to learn how to prepare a delicious salad of fresh vegetables. Enjoy this cooking game and you will learn in minutes how to prepare this salad.
As you know salads with fresh vegetables are very healthy for our body, that`s why we want to explain you how to prepare it.
Follow the arrow and take a look at in instructions, each step is well explained, so you will know how to make it.

Of course you can modify this recipe by adding more vegetables and other ingredients, just to make perfect for your tastes.

Have fun cooking and good luck!!

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Cooking Healthy Salad
Cooking Healthy Salad
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